Ahlya Rafique Fateh -   Fameed Khalique - Women in Luxury Property


Ahlya Rafique Fateh - Fameed Khalique

Managing Director

 Luxury Surface Materials

Why do you think it is important to celebrate International Women’s Day?

 We all owe it to ourselves and the chances we have been given, to be grateful for our own empowerment and use it to help other women around the world who may not have enjoyed the opportunities we have had. This day is to draw attention to the inequalities all women face to a certain degree or other and to celebrate those who continue to do the work. Whenever you sign your own mortgage or tap your own credit card remember that it was this movement that gave us the right to financial independence without which we would be lost.

Have you faced any challenges in your career as a woman and if so, how did you overcome them?

 As a working mother and as a woman from a BAME background, challenges come with the territory and by definition have to be overcome.  I thought of myself as a gladiator at the beginning of my career in that you just have to deal with each issue that comes at you as quickly and efficiently as possible, however the downside of that is that mostly you work alone. What has been part of my evolution is transitioning to  space where you can build a solid team which then allows strategy to elevate your performance.

Is there another woman on whom you would like to shine a light, in the luxury property industry and why? 

 All the women I have met through the LPF have been brilliant, passionate and driven so I thank Priya for giving me the opportunity to connect with these trailblazers, it has definitely enriched my circle of contacts and helped to build connections and hopefully in time friendships.

How can we encourage more women to pursue entrepreneurship or senior leadership roles in the luxury property industry?

“ You have to see it to be it” – the more attention that is given to all women leaders in business and other industries the more examples there will be for other young women to follow. I think more needs to be done for girls in school – there should be courses on how to build financial independence; how to invest rather than budget; understand financial terms and conditions etc.  This kind of training in life skills will be hugely beneficial to young women as they make their start in the world.

What is the best advice you have been given?

 If I do not raise myself to higher things, who will do it? And if not now, when?

At The Luxury Property Forum we truly believe in “you cannot be what you cannot see”.

In celebration of International Women’s Day, throughout March we are shining a light on our wonderfully inspiring female members who are all leaders in luxury property. If you are an LPF Member and would like to celebrate a senior female member of the your team, please get in touch at marketing@theluxurypropertyforum.com

Priya Rawal