Introducing LPF Mental Health Ambassador - Alex Beaugeard


The Luxury Property Forum is proud to introduce Alex Beaugeard, MD Interior ID & Creative Director The Lanserring Group as The LPF’s Mental Health Ambassador!

Alex will be working alongside Founder and CEO of The Luxury Property Forum, Priya Rawal to ensure that we are opening up the channels to speak freely about mental health and breakdown the stigma which exists in our industry.

Alex Beaugeard, LPF Mental Health Ambassador says:

“It’s a real honour to be asked to be Mental Health Ambassador for The LPF. I have suffered from poor mental health in my twenties and still apply coping strategies daily to keep things under control. Shining a light on some of the professional challenges poor mental health can generate is really important to me and I have found the courage to speak up about this matter only in recent years. I felt isolated and like professional “damaged goods” during the early part of my recovery, compounding the feelings of hopelessness.

However, for me, it was in my recovery, learning about myself and pragmatic tools to control my anxiety and depression that I found great professional benefit to the skills I was developing…. Effective task planning to tackle a sense of feeling overwhelmed, forcing myself to tackle panic and to look on the positive side, when situations seemed hopeless are examples of great skills that I have my relationship with anxiety to thanks for. The greatest benefit I have experienced from those times is a deeper understanding of myself and the people around me, contributing to a greater capacity to tackle people problems.

Whilst I understand experiences in this area vary greatly, I would like to use my role as Mental Health Ambassador to project my belief that people who have had challenges with mental health and found ways through these tricky times can often make better employees, peers, managers and leaders. With more openness and discussion I would hope we are able to ensure those suffering in silence can more easily fond a route through to achieve their goals.”


 Priya Rawal, Founder & CEO of The Luxury Property Forum says:

“The subject of mental health is something that is very close to my heart. After suffering with crippling anxiety for many years and post natal depression after the birth of my first child, I learnt the real importance of working in a supportive, emphatic and supportive environment. Everyone deals with mental health differently and there is not a uniform approach. The luxury property industry is a busy one with demanding clients and even more demanding deadlines. The LPF members of course want to deliver excellence, but also know the importance of being there, for their employees in times of need. We wish to do away with the stigma, open up the avenues for communication, brainstorm tools and techniques that have helped us and others and to provide a safe space for those who are experiencing challenges in their mental health.”

get in touch

If you would like to contact Alex directly please send him an email at

If you need non-urgent information about mental health support and services that may be available to you:

Please call Mind’s Infoline on 0300 123 3393


Find more information on our helplines page

Priya Rawal