Jane Wagner - Walton Wagner - Women in Luxury Property


Jane Wagner - Walton Wagner


Client representation, development and project management services

Why do you think it is important to celebrate International Women’s Day?

Whilst every day is worth celebrating, IWD provides for a wider recognition of the achievements of women to a global audience. There is still a long way to go for women in so many areas but by allowing the spotlight to fall on 8thMarch there is the opportunity to celebrate achievements to date and to inspire for the future.

Have you faced any challenges in your career as a woman and if so, how did you overcome them?

At times trying to take on too much and not being able to say ‘no’ has meant feeling out of control. By realising that it is acceptable to manage expectations  - both professionally and in a personal capacity – meant regaining the equilibrium to allow any challenges to be faced calmly.

Is there another woman on whom you would like to shine a light, in the luxury property industry and why? 

Priya Rawal:   Founder and CEO of the Luxury Property Forum. Priya continued to launch this venture in the early days of the pandemic having spent a huge amount of time planning it in the months beforehand. Then through sheer tenacity and hard work she has built it into the successful networking organisation that it is today with an amazing group of talented professionals who are all prepared to help each other in so many ways. Always smiling and positive and another testament to what can be achieved through sheer determination and positivity.

How can we encourage more women to pursue entrepreneurship or senior leadership roles in the luxury property industry?

By being available to offer support when asked and reminding people to ask for help – it isn’t a sign of weakness, it’s a sign of strength. 

What is the best advice you have been given?

Believe in yourself, maintain a sense of humour and always keep smiling.

At The Luxury Property Forum we truly believe in “you cannot be what you cannot see”.

In celebration of International Women’s Day, throughout March we are shining a light on our wonderfully inspiring female members who are all leaders in luxury property. If you are an LPF Member and would like to celebrate a senior female member of the your team, please get in touch at marketing@theluxurypropertyforum.com

Priya Rawal