Palazzo Morelli celebrates diversity and Elisa Ruggeri of Mati Consult


Palazzo Morelli celebrates diversity, shines a light on Middle Eastern women in property and in particular, Elisa Ruggeri from Mati Consult, based in Dubai. 

With March being the month to celebrate women, LPF Members Palazzo Morelli actively support women in the industry. They have shared one of their recent professional experiences in the Middle East, which brought us in contact with businesswoman Elisa Ruggeri from Mati Consult, based in Dubai. 

Palazzo Morelli, who already has a large female presence in their Middle East team and their offices in Italy, has always promoted inclusiveness in its company policy. The Middle East, which has always been resistant to such changes, given the religious interpretations and patriarchal cultures that always dominated Middle East culture. “Working with Elisa increased our perception of a still slow, but significant cultural paradigm shift towards women at work. Although still in its infancy, it is evident that a change is on also in this region. More and more high-rank local and foreign female professionals are contributing to the development of the whole region, through projects of various kinds, from local public infrastructures to private projects. Although women's general position is still more penalised than in Western countries, in recent years, women have assumed a fundamental role in the Arab-Islamic world since it is clear now that women's emancipation is a fondamental premise for progress.” - Massimo Locci, Palazzo Morelli

The Forbes Middle East article, “Know the most powerful businesswomen in MENA", published in recent years, sees the participation of more and more middle eastern professional women in the top-ranking charts. The majority, 79 of the 100 women listed by Forbes in 2020, are self-made, 16 of whom have started their own businesses. These changes, albeit in an embryonic state, can also be observed in the lowest spheres of society. Last year in Jordan, a constitutional amendment to discuss women's rights was brought to their local parliament for debate. 

“Working with Elisa and her assistant Martina Savignano to consolidate our existing network, especially in the promising KSA market, confirmed the solidity of her professional network and how established and recognised her reputation is. Which is not an easy task to achieve still today in this region. So far, our collaboration is proving to be fruitful and happy of our decision in line with our company policy.”

“Diversity has brought significant benefits to Palazzo Morelli's daily work, from a higher stability in internal and external relationships with our customers to a higher stability in assessing the risks associated with our work. Overall, our team-work benefited from women’s key characteristics like patience, intuition, availability to listen, and concreteness. These characteristics have proved to be particularly useful in a globalized and technological world on which our work depends” says Massimo Locci.


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Office: 3 The Shrubberies, George Lane, London, England, E18 1BD


Massimo Locci
Business Development Manager

Phone: +44 (0) 7553 605829

Priya Rawal