Secure Your Vision - Business Mastery with Ferarrio Consulting


Most of us spend our time managing our business today – todays revenue, todays clients, todays sales – todays issues.

Whilst is many ways understandable and important to focus on the “today”, the implications of short term focus is lack of planning for the future – lack of planning and strategic thought on investment – and ultimately a decrease in chances of reaching your business legacy.

On Tuesday 23rd May 2023, LPF Members will be treated to a masterclass from business consultancy Ferarrio Consulting on securing your vision for your business.

If you are an LPF Member and would like to sign up please click below.

What is a Vision?

A supposedly obvious question – but one that comes up with many different answers when we ask our clients. The definition we use at Ferarrio Consulting is ‘A picture of a destination around which all are aligned and energised to act. Unpacking this statement in itself gives more strategic insight into what needs to be included in creating and achieving the vision.


Why is a vision important?

There are many reasons why a vision is important. All of which will be discussed at the masterclass – but to name a few….

  • Planning for exit or sale

  • Planning for growth geographically

  • Planning for growth in capability

And planning for achieving the purpose of the business over and above commercial results– rarely defined in businesses but always present.


The importance of Reflection  

Often clients we have worked with think there is a lack of alignment within the partners at a firm. Simply taking the time out to reflect and discuss what each partner wants personally, commercially and culturally in itself creates a greater clarity one where alignment sits and if there are areas of difference the ability to discuss them can often create solutions that are appropriate for the individuals the partnership team and ultimately the business.


Why, What and How

The Vision conversation is the WHY conversation – what is it we want to achieved in the future not just tomorrow.

It is not the WHAT or How conversations – which will disable the vision conversation by limiting creativity and causing more questions “We cant possibly achieve that, we don’t have the time” “But how would we do that”

The best Vision/Why conversation only allow Why conversation – so it’s not de-railed.

  • Why…is about Vision and Clear Context.

  • What…is about Strategy and Planning

  • How…is about Implementation and Execution.

 Breda Ferarrio- Ferarrio consulting

 Breda is a business consultant and coach of 20 years after her successful corporate career. Over that time she has run and grown her own consultancies – in both small and international teams – and worked with over a hundred of businesses in the UK, the US and Europe. Ferarrio Consulting only work with ambitious businesses who want to grow – sometimes stuck about what that looks like, the strategies to achieve it and how to get the energy and the culture right. The focus is always on Commercial and Cultural AND personal growth.  


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“We are passionate about working with business owners and leaders who are ready to drive growth in all areas of their business.If you’re keen to grow your business, your teams and yourself, then please drop me a line to have a chat!”

-Breda Ferarrio

Priya Rawal