The Luxury Property Forum Partners With PRIME!
The Luxury Property Forum is proud to announce its partnership with and membership to PRIME!
We are PRIME Ltd is a social enterprise established to assist small businesses (particularly and originally in the super-prime construction sector, though not exclusively) in beginning to develop their own corporate social responsibility initiatives, and in measuring those initiatives with a simple, user-friendly scoring tool.
This amazing platform has been created by a small group of London’s super-prime construction professionals (including some LPF Members): Ideaworks, Walton Wagner, Slender Winter Partnership, Weldon Flooring, Winch Design and DOS & Co, to develop a framework and scoring mechanism to help other small businesses to score themselves on their environmental, community and governance credentials.
The PRIME Principles (which can be used as a starting point for any organisation that is looking to improve its credentials) are:
Being Environmentally Better
Embracing Sustainable Innovation
Spreading the Word
Delivering Impact
Making a Difference
Being Accountable
Each PRIME Principle is supported by an explanation and some ‘indicative behaviours’ that give inspiration and ideas to businesses and how they might begin to make an impact in their own way. The PRIME Scoring system allows for a score out of 5 (with ‘1’ being ‘I aspire to do something about this’ and ‘5’ being ‘this is pervasive in our business culture’), so a maximum score of 30. Anything higher than 20 is considered ‘exemplary’, with the practicality of scoring higher getting increasingly harder above that threshold.
Chris Jones, Managing Director of Ideaworks and Co-Founder of PRIME explains, ‘unlike an ISO (or similar) accreditation, this is not a tick-box exercise (there is no greenwashing here), but a working, iterative process of continuous improvement to ensure that we can all operate better businesses that are ‘sustainable’ in the truest sense of the word. This means supporting our planet, our community and operating best business practice with integrity.’
Our Founder and CEO Priya Rawal says “At The Luxury Property Forum our mission is to promote, represent and educate our members and develop the industry for the better, both in the UK and internationally. Our members share our objectives and values to promote community and knowledge sharing. We believe that best practice should be standard across the industry and together we should strive towards a more sustainable and diverse future. Together we have a chance to share ideas on how to build better and be better and genuinely make a difference across the luxury property sector. In supporting and being an active member of PRIME, it is our intention that the PRIME Principles will guide The Luxury Property Forum, our members and the industry as a whole to shape the luxury property and construction for generations to come.”
The founders of PRIME, which is a not-for-profit social enterprise, have grand ambitions. ‘It is hoped that, before too long, we will see the big main contractors and the land-owning estates embracing PRIME as part of their own CSR initiatives – PRIME is accessible, low-cost and challenging – by requiring leaseholders to engage with contractors who have high PRIME scores, the opportunity to drive huge, sustainable change through the construction sector is unparalleled’ says Will Bouma of Weldon Flooring, another of PRIME’s Co-Founders.
If you would like to find out more please visit
The PRIME Principles and PRIME Scoring method have been released under an open-source licence. As such anyone can use them in their own business as a management tool.
If you wish to purchase an Official PRIME Score (which is a moderated score, ensuring its accuracy) or to find out more , please contact LPF members receive special rates.
To view The Luxury Property Forum’s Statement on the Prime Principles and see our PRIME Score, please visit our About Us Page