Webinar: Communications & Messaging: How to Strike the Right Tone in the Current Climate


Businesses within the luxury property industry are having to think about how they communicate with their clients (whether it be in person or digitally), how they connect with their staff during and post lock down and how as a brand they wish to position themselves going into the new normality. With a focus on mental health as well as practical marketing tactics and case studies, The Luxury Property Forum hosted this conversational webinar with the following panel of speakers:

Chair: Priya Rawal, Founder and CEO of The Luxury Property Forum

Panellists: Tania Thomas, Co-Founder of Maison Communications;

Abby Ghafoor, Founder and CEO of Arc Management Consulting;

Mia Kitsinis, Director of Accouter Design; and

Jonathan Hook, Director of Education & Programmes, CHX Performance 

For a recording of this Webinar please visit The LPF Shop.

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Priya Rawal