How to lead with gravitas with Oona Collins of Potential Plus International
Showing gravitas at the start of any new leadership role, be it a new job, promotion and even a new client relationship, can determine the level of authority and influence you have over those around you. Oona Collins of Potential Plus International sets out her useful insights for those looking to lead in a way that inspires and reassures!
We saw during the recent chaotic few months in politics, how poor handling of a situation and a lack of gravitas can damage a new leader’s early authority.
I work with a lot of clients at a time when they are transitioning into new leadership roles and they are often keen to work on how they will go in and influence from the start, in a way that exerts the right balance of control and understanding so they succeed.
Based on my experience working with executives, and reflecting on what has happened over the last few months in UK politics, here are 8 insights that are useful to consider for those looking to lead in a way that inspires and reassures:
1. ‘Listen’ first
It is tempting to want to go into a role and make your mark immediately, particularly during turbulent times, but the best thing you can do to start with is simply listening. It is such a simple word, but it is the only way to get a feel for the culture of the company and team you are operating in and an idea of what is most important to the people you need to influence.
I worked with a client who was starting a newly formed role of COO of a major Plc. He knew that his appointment hadimpacted many others and he took the time to talk to people and listen to them. This allowed him to understand the sensitivities related to his role and the restructuring that had taken place around it. By showing the emotional intelligence to listen to his colleagues, he brought them onside to follow him, rather than oppose him. They appreciated that he was genuinely curious and was intent on working collaboratively with them, they immediately saw him as an ally rather than a boss and felt supported, which built the trust he needed.
2. Test your messaging
What intrigued me most about the fall-out of the Mini Budget, when it was delivered by Liz Truss and Kwasi Kwarteng was their surprise at the reaction it received. Clearly they hadn’t seriously examined how their messages would land.
You need to be confident that the messages you are pushing out are not just strong, but that they will be well received. Astempting as it is to make your mark quickly with some big decisions, you are better taking a step back, taking stock and thinking through scenarios.
Have an open debate with key advisors around the pros, cons, risks and rewards first, then stress test the messages with enough people within your organisation or wider circle of trust to see how it lands with different people with differing views, backgrounds and experiences. You need to know what your critics are going to say so that you can pre-empt them by having answers ready or providing answers before they’ve even asked the questions.
Your message is only as strong as how it is delivered, so prepare and practice your delivery, as well as the delivery of others who will be communicating your messages for you.
3. Stick to your strengths and use others to fill in the gaps
To be a strong leader takes a high level of emotional intelligence, especially in understanding what your strengths and weaknesses are; and using this to choose who to have in your inner circle to complement you.
Author and motivational speaker Jim Rohn, says that “You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with”. They determine what conversations dominate your attention and the views you are regularly exposed to. It is important that those five people provide the skillsets and opinions that you may not possess yourself, so that collectively you have diversity in thinking and experience.
4. Prepare for the unexpecteD
Leaders who can handle tough questioning with confidence and ease look like strong leaders. This can be achieved by putting the time in up-front to prepare for different scenarios and think about what needs to be said and done to gain trust. Answering questions with clarity and simplicity builds trust in your authenticity and competence.
A number of years ago the CEO of a construction company who I had been working closely with found himself having to deal with a sensitive situation involving a tragic accident on one of his sites. He felt he was going into the “lion’s den” when preparing for his presentation to the board. We spent time looking at what he wanted to be saying, what he needed to be saying and what was going to be expected of him. As a result he had answers for the uncomfortable questions we had predicted would be asked, and he came out strongly with solutions that went beyond what was expected. He came across as both a leader who cared, and a leader who was in control of a situation.
5. Data provides the proof to back up your plans
Big data is a term that has become commonplace in the business world, especially the property sector. More and more of the teams I work with are integrating data analysts as part of their client-facing teams because they can predict trends and give insights that add real value.
Data and research give credence to your plans and provide reassurance that your thinking is based on tested substance, rather than speculation or guesswork.
I recall a client speaking of an analyst in their organisation who had been studying the Covid Virus and its impact and predicted the impact it would have on businesses way before most companies. As a result they started making plans as a contingency measure and were able to adjust more speedily than most of their competitors.
6. Watch your body language
Your body language can say more about what you think and how you feel than the words you use. Your body does not lie. When a leader’s body language reveals they are uncomfortable or uncertain about the message they are delivering, it is easy to lose confidence in them.
In a recent meeting with an executive who was preparing for an important meeting, I shared my observation at times when his body language was incongruent with the message being delivered. He acknowledged he felt insecure about being the youngest person on the ExCo which resulted in him holding back when making recommendations to a more experienced board thus reducing his gravitas. When we reflected on the reasons why he had achieved his success so early he was able to adjust his mindset and authentically make the recommendations he wished with confidence and ease.
Ask someone you trust to give you feedback on your body language as well as the content of your message. Do they marry up?
7. Show the real you
People want to see the human behind the role, they will buy into your character before your strategy.
A crisis can often reveal the true character of a leader. I can still remember the way Lufthansa CEO Karsten Spohrdemonstrated his character when handling the media after the tragedy of a plane crash in 2015. His first response to a question about finding the black box, was instinctively to make clear that his number one priority was getting the families out to the site and looked after, with anything else able to wait. It was a spontaneous response which demonstrated his values and what he and his business stood for. I had never seen him before and I recall it made me feel curiously more positive about flying Lufthansa, despite the circumstances, because of the compassionate leadership he showed.
8. Keep your chin up
Knock-backs are part of any career journey and most leaders will experience them, the key to success is how you deal with them.
Being quick to own your mistakes, being accountable and demonstrating how you intend to resolve the problem and make changes, will increase the respect others have for you and secure your ability to influence.
Self-belief is a trait shared by the world’s most successful political and business leaders and helps them ride any stormy periods. If you’re not confident in yourself and your ability to be resilient at times of challenge, why should anyone else have confidence in you.
Confidence is not a quality – it is a state of mind and I have met many able leaders who have doubts or lose it temporarily for one reason or another, and others who wish to build gravitas and increase the impact they have. If you are seeking to leverage your influence and gravitas and achieve your ambitions do get in touch at
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Oona Collins Founder of Potential Plus International
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