11K Consulting: When communicating with Chinese/Asian investors: 5 Dos and 5 Don'ts 


When communicating with Chinese/Asian investors: 5 Dos and 5 Don’ts 

Sally Maier-Yip, Founder and Managing Director, 11K Consulting Ltd 

China’s wealthy and investors have long been reliable investors in the global property market, and have frequently looked to the UK, specifically London, as a safe haven for investment. 

Twice as many homes were sold in Central London for more than £15 million in 2021 as in 2020, the latest figures revealed, and it is anticipated that Chinese buyers will lead the way in the capital in 2022. 

So, what are the DOs and DON’Ts when communicating with Chinese/Asian investors? 

5 DOs: 

  • Be an active WeChat user. Make sure that you are reachable on WeChat and have an official WeChat channel to regularly communicate about your company and industry news to well-educated Chinese and Asian investors   

  • Be super knowledgeable about your topic. Chinese and Asian investors are always hunting for the next big thing to invest in 

  • Be super helpful. Show your network and offer to introduce quality people to them 

  • Be responsive. Chinese and Asian investors are super time-poor. Be as flexible as possible to meet their busy schedules, even if it means a meeting on a Saturday or Sunday evening 

  • Be discreet. Absolutely no gossips. Keep client matters to your heart  

5 DON'Ts: 

  • Don’t ask, give (a lot) first. Show your eagerness to build genuine trust with them. Once the trust is built, you will be re-warded, hugely 

  •  Don't order too little when you are dining with them. Always order a bit more to show your generosity. Treat them like your family 

  • Don’t expect returns immediately. It can take a few meals and a few months to result in anything. It’s all about building long-term relationship 

  •  Don’t say yes when you don’t know the answers. But offer to find out the answers and solutions for them 

  • Don't ask about their political views. Politics is a big taboo!

 get in touch

If you have any more questions for Sally, please feel free to reach out at sally@11kconsulting.com or follow her on LinkedIn for regular China market insights and news: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sallymaier/


Priya Rawal