Luxury Property Industry Leaders - In Conversation With .... Becky Fatemi (Rokstone Property)


Meet Fatemeh Barharak Fatemi, CEO/Founder Rokstone Property

Hi Becky, it is so lovely to spend time with you today and we are so pleased to have Rokstone Property as a member of The LPF. To start, please can you tell us a little more about Rokstone?

Thanks so much Priya! Rokstone is an award winning agency which sells and lets luxurious homes across prime central London, Paris and Ibiza. I personally have over 25 years experience in the high-end property market and set up Rokstone in 2011 in Marylebone. Since we started we’ve sold £6.5 billion worth of property! We also offer a bespoke property search service and regularly advise developers. We are so privileged to have a really dynamic all-female team and Rokstone is built on repeat business and referrals!

Well your experience and knowledge of the industry is remarkable but what would you say makes Rokstone really special?

We are a diverse cutting edge company that focuses on lifestyle in averse to bricks and water. We specialise in a very diligent discrete approach to buying and selling and achieving  the best property for the buyer and price for the client. With over 70 years of combined experience the team have won numerous awards for quality of work. 

And being a CEO of such a successful business takes such hard work! What do you think led you to this position.

Sheered determination to make an impact in a market and an industry where there is a lack of female leaders, CEO’s, Directors, Bosses. I wanted to change the face of agency and I wanted customers to have a far better experience in a market that’s heavily unregulated. 

You really are an inspiration and we at The LPF truly champion anyone who is actively changing the industry for the better! So Becky your days must be non-stop. What does a typical day look like for you?

My work is day and night. I wake up at 6:30am and deal with my son, try and drop my Son to school and come into the office at 9am for meetings. I will average 25-30k steps a day, meeting clients, zoom calls, showing properties, mentoring and working on the charity, Shadow to Shine and app, Roksia.

Are you currently working on any exciting projects?

I looked at tech and the lack of women of colour in tech and decided to build a platform which I have just built. And I am joining forces with one of the most influential women on tv Maya Jama and we will be launching a platform which will change the world imminently. 

That is so interesting and we are so privileged to have you as our Diversity Ambassador for The LPF. Its something that is so important to you and its something that bring into every aspect of your work and life. Becky you have had such a varied career. What has been your career highlight so far?

Working with employees that I have managed to give an opportunity to who have gone on to do things they have always wanted to do, empowering people who have never had an opportunity in this industry to have an opportunity in the industry. Also changing the face of my industry. 

What do you love most about the luxury property industry?

I love that I am not chained to a desk 9-5 and that I get to meet some of the most interesting prolific people in the world and architecturally I get to see an interior design in some of the most incredible properties.  Its been a journey and also my carer has allowed me to rehouse generations which has also been a beautiful experience. 

And do you have any advice for someone looking to venture into your area of the luxury property industry?

In the words of my old friend Virgil Abloh “Any person you can cite: Steve Jobs, Karl Lagerfeld, Michael Jordan – they are not common names because they did it nine-to-five. There are people on Earth that dedicate themselves to their practice or whatever. I’ve always been like that.”

Great advice! And finally What does “luxury” mean to you?

Luxury to me is not about buying expensive things; it’s about living in a way where you appreciate things.

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Priya Rawal