A New Year's Message from The LPF Founder


The end of any year, is traditionally a time for reflection – a time to look at the successes, the lessons and the opportunities for the following year. While most of us want to leave 2020 firmly in the past and look to a brighter future of 2021, I would like to take the opportunity to celebrate all of the followers and members of The Luxury Property Forum. Simply getting through this year is an achievement. Together we have survived.

When reports emerged in January of a novel coronavirus emerging in Asia, few could have predicted the impact it would have on our personal and professional lives and whilst there is still a long way to go before life starts to feel normal again, there is a light at the end of the tunnel and we will get there.  


This year, the luxury property and construction industry surprised us all by its resilience. With construction sites remaining open and property transactions being able to continue, buyers, sellers, developers, contractors and consultants were able to navigate the pandemic lockdowns, adapt to remote working and take advantage of the fiscal incentives. High net worth individuals re-evaluated what they wanted out of their homes: whether it be more outside space, the ability to buy local or to work from home. It became imperative to have a great Wi-Fi connection and smart home technology and design functional spaces that the whole family could enjoy in tandem and separately. Health and wellbeing became more than just buzz words leading to the surge in home gyms, use of antibacterial materials and bringing nature inside to boost our mental health. Video calls were not just reserved for international clients but became a way to keep in touch with our project teams, review progress on site, show properties and connect with the luxury property community. 


We officially launched The Luxury Property Forum in the midst of the pandemic and I am so humbled that as well as facilitating business introductions and collaborations, we have been able to provide support and showcase the importance of community in the luxury property sector. We have such a diverse range of disciplines all operating at the highest level and more importantly our members are such a lovely and supportive bunch and I have no doubt that firm friendships will continue to be forged in 2021.

It goes without saying but none of the successes of The Luxury Property Forum, would have occurred without the help of the amazing LPF Team: Victoria F Watson, our Head of Events, Sameera Desai, our Head of Membership and Jenny Naylor, our marketing consultant. You have all been amazing!

We have so much to look forward to for 2021. The Luxury Property Forum will continue to bring you more insightful webinars. networking events, special offers and bring the luxury property community together. We also have some exciting new ventures for 2021, so stay tuned!


Whilst we are by no means out of woods yet (with the pandemic and Brexit still being a major factor for the start of 2021), the strength and resilience of the prime property sector, the pull and attraction of London to foreign investment and the way in which the property and construction industry has adapted over the course of 2020, gives us every hope for success and prosperity for 2021.

The Luxury Property Forum will continue to bring the community together to support our members through the difficult times and celebrate the victories of the coming year.

So as we all get ready for yet another quiet celebration this New Year’s Eve, I raise a glass to all of you. Stay safe, stay healthy and be kind to others and let’s all look to a brighter future.

Best wishes

Priya Rawal

Founder and CEO of The Luxury Property Forum

Priya Rawal