Addressing the UK Riots: Support, Reflection & Action


The past two weeks have been a difficult time for the UK, marked by racist violence and aggression, but also by the strength of British society through solidarity and peaceful, anti-racist gatherings. While we hope the recent riots have ceased, the underlying issues persist, leaving many, especially ethnic minorities, with lasting trauma, fear, and vulnerability. In response, we’d like to share some suggestions on how leaders, organisations, and peers can come together to offer support and allyship.

Acknowledging the Issue and Creating Dialogue

  • Confront the Reality: In moments like this, finding the right words can be difficult, but silence isn’t the answer. We must confront the racism and division behind this violence and acknowledge the genuine fear and pain it causes, particularly for ethnic minorities. It's important to check in, ask questions, and be honest about what we don’t know or understand.

  • Avoid Minimisation: While it's natural to want to focus on the positive, avoid minimising the issue with platitudes like "yes, but...," "it will all be okay," or "it’s not all bad." Although well-intentioned, these responses can leave others feeling unheard and invalidated.

  • Listen and Engage: Instead, take the time to truly listen and engage in meaningful dialogue. Creating a safe space for open conversation is crucial to addressing the deeper issues and supporting those affected.

Creating a Safe and Supportive Environment

  • Listen and Support: Make time for your peers, colleagues, and employees, letting them know you're there to listen and offer support. A simple gesture like a coffee or virtual chat can go a long way, even if they’re not ready to talk—they just need to know you care.

  • Ongoing Check-Ins and Action: The impact of these events will last long after the headlines fade. Regular check-ins and ongoing anti-racist actions are essential to ensure everyone feels safe and valued in our organisations and communities.

  • Flexibility, Well-Being, and Support: Prioritise flexibility and well-being support. Ensure staff have access to emotional resources through HR, staff networks, or external resources if needed. If safety concerns arise, consider options like a travel buddy system, adjusted working hours, taxi services, or remote work where appropriate.

Learning and Reflection

  • Reflect on Values: Reflect on your organisation’s values, such as fairness, compassion, and respect—these principles will guide you in the right direction.

  • Use Clear Language: Language matters; clearly identify racism, Islamophobia, riots, and violence, rather than downplaying them as protests or political ideology.

  • Commit to Learning: Commit to understanding the historical context of racism in the UK and explore ways to offer support and allyship, both independently and within your teams.

The Luxury Property Forum is here to provide a strong network, a sense of community, and promote best practices in the industry. If you or your team wish to discuss recent events or need advice and resources, please reach out—we’re here to help. We also encourage you to take care of yourselves and each other, finding moments of joy, positivity, and rest, and leaning on your community for support when needed.

Wishing you a safe and peaceful week.

Priya Rawal (Founder and CEO) & Reshma Upadhyaya (Head of Social Impact)

Priya Rawal