Is your office Covid secure?

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SP3 London has been working with their supply chain to assist companies with getting their offices ready for when employees return. There is a sense of uncertainty and worry amongst employees. People are hyper conscious of being in crowded spaces and around others who are not family. Using public transport will be stressful and the thought of being sat amongst others at work is particularly uncomfortable for most. 


Together with SP3 London’s suppliers, they have a range of solutions to resolve this issue for businesses who need to create a safe and secure environment for their teams. By adding temporary infrastructure such as screening, desk partitioning, and wayfinding it will help your staff feel more secure in their office environment. Whilst, this will need to work in connection with a strict cleaning strategy, but the two together will give your staff a sense of reassurance!

Your staff need to feel safe and know you care!

Please get in contact if you need any advice or assistance

SP3 London

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Priya Rawal