Jenny Naylor - Graf London - Women in Luxury Property


Jenny Naylor - Graf London

Founder & Director - Brand Consultancy

Why do you think it is important to celebrate International Women’s Day?

International Women’s Day reminds us all to champion and celebrate women’s contributions to society and the incredible women who serve as strong role models for the younger generation. Throughout history, women have helped shape the world we live in culturally, socially and politically, often at great personal cost and sacrifice, and very often without any recognition. On 8th March, there’s the wonderful opportunity to reflect and appreciate these achievements and consider what still needs to be done to improve the rights, empowerment and freedoms of women and girls on every continent and in every sphere. I’m hoping this year that it’s not only women celebrating women, but that there are men also shining a light on the inspirational women they’ve worked with.

Have you faced any challenges in your career as a woman and if so, how did you overcome them?

The property industry has traditionally been a male dominated sector, and whilst there has been a greater focus and more conversations around gender balance in the last few years, there’s still a disproportionate number of men to women in senior positions. My way of dealing with these challenges has been to focus on creating my own success, striving for excellence in every project I’ve worked on. I’ve rallied people around me who are supportive, and built the confidence to know what I’ve wanted and not been afraid to ask for it.

Is there another woman on whom you would like to shine a light, in the luxury property industry and why?

Uma Rajah: Uma is the CEO and Co-Founder of CapitalRise, an alternative finance platform focused on providing prime residential property finance. Since co-founding the business in 2015, CapitalRise is today a hugely successful and innovative business that has disrupted the traditional property finance model and given investors easy and direct access to prime property-backed investments. Uma was named in Peer2Peer Finance News' Power 50 List 2021 for the 4th year running, was profiled in the FT as one of its top 30 female entrepreneurs, and the company was highlighted by J.P. Morgan Private Bank as one of the UK’s Top 200 female powered businesses in 2021. These are a true testament to the substantial role she’s had in shaping the strategy and success of CapitalRise. I was very fortunate to have worked with Uma to launch the platform, and am full of admiration for her passion, resilience and "can-do" approach. She is a testament to what women can achieve if we put our minds to it and I can’t think of anyone better in the luxury property industry to shine a light on!

How can we encourage more women to pursue entrepreneurship or senior leadership roles in the luxury property industry?

Change has to start at the top of organisations with CEOs championing a company culture that celebrates diversity, fairness and equality throughout the entire employee journey - from recruitment, to promotion and retention. HR teams should include women so those who are hiring and assessing employees for promotion are looking at candidates’ strengths and potential through a varied set of perspectives. I’d like to see more mentorship and networking programmes as these can really help provide support and encouragement, and those women currently in positions of influence should fly the flag and support other women showing leadership potential, as well as advocate the removal of barriers hindering progression. This includes companies recognising the work/life balance pressures of career vs familial obligations and having supportive business practices in place for all parents (not just women), such as shared parental leave so parents can combine work and care commitments more effectively (flexible starting and leaving hours for example). However, things like access to flexible working and so on will only go so far in enhancing women’s access to leadership. I’d also like to see some policy changes around disclosure requirements and targets set for gender diversity in senior management. Finally, as an industry, we could look at creating an awards programme to celebrate those companies that are driving progress to strengthen the role of women in leadership positions and which are achieving greater gender balance.

What is the best advice you have been given?

Do something that “sparks joy” and that you have a real passion for, then find yourself a mentor who can support you during your career.


At The Luxury Property Forum we truly believe in “you cannot be what you cannot see”.

In celebration of International Women’s Day, throughout March we are shining a light on our wonderfully inspiring female members who are all leaders in luxury property. If you are an LPF Member and would like to celebrate a senior female member of the your team, please get in touch at


Priya Rawal