Katie Earl - No. 12 - Women in Luxury Property


Katie Earl - No. 12

Creative Director

Interior Design & Interior Architecture 

Why do you think it is important to celebrate International Women’s Day?

 It's amazing to see the social progression of women within the working sector across the world, no less that our industry. Although we still have a long way to go in many ways. The growth, development and positive impact that women have achieved in the working sector is amazing. It is important to celebrate any achievement, no less this. The more we celebrate it the more awareness we create and the greater hope we create for opportunities for young women all over the world. 

Have you faced any challenges in your career as a woman and if so, how did you overcome them?

 As many women in many other industries have; there are the usual struggles, sexism, mysogeny, patronism and (one of my worst;) under estimation. But these things are always overcome by self belief, hard work, dedication, talent and a  supportive working environment.  

Is there another woman on whom you would like to shine a light, in the luxury property industry and why? 

All women in the whole industry deserve celebration, from business owners to graduate designers to the hardworking women cleaning or working on construction sites. Its all vaid and tremendous work and it all deserves to be appreciated.  

How can we encourage more women to pursue entrepreneurship or senior leadership roles in the luxury property industry?

 Leading by example, it was wonderful and so inspiriring for me to see so many amazing, powerful and gracious women as leaders in my industry whilst I was learning my skillset and I hope I can do the same for any younger women who are ambitious, driven and motivated to be the best at whatever it is they want to be. 

What is the best advice you have been given?

 'You do not need external validation for you to get to where you want to be. Know what you want and go get it' A dear friend said this to me when I first started out and I still stand by it. 

At The Luxury Property Forum we truly believe in “you cannot be what you cannot see”.

In celebration of International Women’s Day, throughout March we are shining a light on our wonderfully inspiring female members who are all leaders in luxury property. If you are an LPF Member and would like to celebrate a senior female member of the your team, please get in touch at marketing@theluxurypropertyforum.com

Priya Rawal