Keep Communicating & Carry On: The Need for Thoughtful Media Relations in a Crisis

Our founding members, Maison Communications have been sharing their sage advice on media communications during the Coronavirus lockdown, revealing what property businesses should be doing now, and how they can prepare for the future. 

 Check out the full article in Prime Resi here.

It may feel like battening down the hatches is the best PR strategy during this unprecedented Coronavirus lockdown. However for founders of Maison Communications, Henrietta Harwood-Smith & Tania Thomas say success in the property industry will always be underpinned by the strength of relationships. It is important to use this time wisely and strategically to take advantage of the recovery period, whenever that comes. Those who position themselves innovatively and ethically will undoubtedly be the ones that shine. Now more than ever, people are reading the news, searching for stories underpinned by community and hope.

Property brands including The Luxury Property Network’s founding members, Altido and Interiors with Art have also been going over and above to do their bit:

  • ALTIDO, a luxury short-term rental accommodation provider was the FIRST to host 6 NHS workers in their homes for free for 4 to 12 weeks and they hope to house a further 10.

  • Interiors with Art (Ro Sharma) – this prestigious luxury design and construction firm is working with Med Supply Drive UK and to collate donations of PPE from across industry and manufacture PPE, e.g. 3D printer visors, which is then distribute across the country to NHS and care workers as an emergency PPE provider.



Interiors With Art

Interiors With Art

Many of Maison Communications’ own clients have been contributing to the cause, either directly to the NHS, or to support the public affected by the pandemic lockdown. Here are some examples:

  • London Property & Investment company Martin’s Properties have offered vacant residential units kindly furnished by Carole Anne Designs to Chelsea and Westminster NHS workers.

  • Private aviation firm Jetfly’s clients have donated 200 hours of flight time to transport PPE and medical professionals across the UK and Europe.

  • Interior Designer Laura Hammett is fund raising for COVID-19 by collaborating with other designers and suppliers including Loom, Robert Langford, Stuart Fox, Little Greene and Philip Jeffries to give away a completely bespoke furnished and styled bedroom with a total value of over £20,000.

  • Interior design studio Angel O’Donnell is offering free interior design advice to its followers on social media.

Here are Maison Communications’ top five tips for media relations in a crisis:)

  1. Take note of the changing media landscape and show empathy – many publications have changed format (a few are only running online, supplements have been reduced and are coming out on different days or as part of other sections), some writers have been furloughed or covering different topics, e.g. not just property, but also news, and be sympathetic to their own situations. Importantly keep buying and subscribing to our national newspapers – they need our support more than ever.

  2. Market comment needs to be honest and educated, underpinned by data and facts rather than general or bullish. 

  3. Keep your content to the point, factual, interesting and concise. 

  4. Get creative and think long term – take this time to review your messaging and brand values and check these will resonate post current climate.

  5. Demonstrate collaboration with peers – we are all in this together – don’t think of and pitch only your own agenda but think about how you can you help others and how we can get through this as an industry team, by supporting one another.