Remote Monitoring and Remote Management in the Prime Residential Industry


If you thought your home was important before lockdown, I bet you’ve realised its value even more since.

It has become increasingly important for our day-to-day work activities as well as our personal and family lives. Those of us working from home understand, more than ever, the importance of our network connectivity and other systems – and how much we’ve grown to rely upon them. If our homes were treated like our cars, we’d have them regularly maintained and would probably even need to have them MOT’d each year!


In the prime residential industry, many clients have second homes which, during lockdown, raised concerns as to whether everything was OK at those locations too. By providing remote access to cameras and technology within the property, clients can keep an eye on it from wherever they may be in the world. By also including simple remote monitoring and management equipment in to these projects it’s possible to offer efficient service and maintenance of robust security systems. Sometimes this is an inexpensive internet-enabled network device, occasionally it is a very small, rack-mounted PC. Such equipment allows monitoring of the status of the systems providing a speedy diagnosis by ‘dialling in’ to your home system (with your permission) and identifying the problem remotely. Often being able to fix it remotely too! With these systems we can also be alerted to problems and have them fixed before you notice you’re affected.     

As well as proactively ‘listening’ for any problems (remote monitoring) there are a range of other things that can be done do to help without having to be at your property (remote management). Networking obviously is a big one (sorting out issues with WiFi, internet speed, virus issues and especially helping you set up your work connections for Zoom etc.). From a security point-of-view remote management can help you get the most from your CCTV cameras, remove access for people who no longer need it (old staff members, for example) or change passwords so the kids can concentrate on homework or sleep. It’s even possible to help change your lighting programming or sort out issues with music or TV streaming.

Some customers also prefer mobile devices they use (maybe an iPad for controlling temperature and CCTV) to be remotely managed so that any software updates won’t cause them problems.

Doing all this helps provide the best service for homeowners and allows more expertise from a distance - Just the ticket for these crazy times!

For further information contact SMC, a true expert in bringing together audio, television, lighting, telephone, data networks, security and other bespoke technology into a fully integrated and easy to use solution. They  deliver complete systems to their clients that make their lives easier, whilst ensuring their homes are ready for the future. SMC work with architects, design consultants and property developers, as well as individual clients. They pride ourselves on offering an end-to-end solution from design through to aftercare and support.