Rosie Ward -   Ward & Co. Interiors - Women in Luxury Property


Rosie Ward - Ward & Co. Interiors

Co-Founder and Creative Director

Interior design & Interior Architecture

Why do you think it is important to celebrate International Women’s Day?

Supporting women and women’s rights is something for daily acknowledgment, however having this day creates awareness and forces people to discuss and talk about gender inequality. It opens a platform for discussion. 

Have you faced any challenges in your career as a woman and if so, how did you overcome them?

I have had a couple of challenges in my career, one being the lead interior designer on an office to residential project and the contractor’s behaviour was appalling towards me. I had many phone calls where I was being shouted at down the phone and spoken to in a very derogatory manner. Eventually I reported him to the developer who was horrified at the situation, and they were removed from the project.  

Another time I was holding a site meeting when the contractor told me I had a ‘pink, fluffy brain.’ Fair to say we did not work with them again.  

Is there another woman on whom you would like to shine a light, in the luxury property industry and why? 

There are some amazing female designers like Kit Kemp and Beata Heuman. They are such an inspiration.  

How can we encourage more women to pursue entrepreneurship or senior leadership roles in the luxury property industry?

More and more women are pursuing entrepreneurship than ever before. This is because it gives them more flexibility, can charge what they are worth and advance more quickly. Encouraging women to take senior leadership positions, similar flexibility could be granted, and the package offers reflect that of a male counterpart. 

What is the best advice you have been given?

Be yourself and stand up for what you believe in. The construction industry is very male dominant, so speak up when you know you are right even if it can feel intimidating.

At The Luxury Property Forum we truly believe in “you cannot be what you cannot see”.

In celebration of International Women’s Day, throughout March we are shining a light on our wonderfully inspiring female members who are all leaders in luxury property. If you are an LPF Member and would like to celebrate a senior female member of the your team, please get in touch at

Priya Rawal