LPF Rising Star - Rebecca Thompson at Knight Protection
In an industry rife with gender disparities, The LPF is committed to positive change, empowering women and making the industry better for the next generation. In celebration of International Women’s Month, The LPF is shining a spotlight on our rising female stars, recognising their talent and potential while addressing systemic challenges for women in the industry. Among these trailblazers and an LPF Rising Star is Rebecca Thompson, Chief of Staff at Knight Protection.
In the interview that follows, we delve into Rebecca’s experiences, shedding light on her journey and need to make the luxury property industry more inclusive and equitable future for the next generation of women.
Rebecca Thompson
Chief of Staff at Knight Protection
Rebecca Thompson is a shining example of a rising star in the luxury property industry. Nominated by Tim Knight, Managing Director at Knight Protection, at just 31, Rebecca holds a key position in the Senior Leadership Team, recently promoted to Chief of Staff at Knight Protection. In her seven years with Knight Protection, she has significantly shaped the company, demonstrating quiet confidence and keen observation. Rebecca's impact spans every aspect of the business, particularly in refining client offerings for the UHNWI/HNWI audience within the luxury property market. Her influence extends to driving sustainability initiatives, crucial in meeting the net-zero goal by 2030. In a predominantly male-dominated industry, Rebecca's perspective is invaluable, and we proudly champion women in our commitment to diversity and inclusion. Rebecca is naturally understated, delivery-focused, and doesn’t seek the limelight, and this would be an excellent opportunity to recognise her significant progress and contribution more formally.
Hi Becca, so great to have you here. Please could you tell us about your proudest career moment so far?
I’ve had many proud moments in my career so far but one of the top would be refurbishing our office building. Our renovation took around 9 months, over 25 different companies/ contractors, a handful of setbacks, too many phone calls and emails to count, and a lot of patience from our Head Office team! We have gone from an outdated and cramped space to a modern, spacious and fit-for-purpose office. This has created a great environment for our team to work from and we managed to incorporate much more environmentally friendly equipment into the design, which was a very important goal for us. We are now very proud to show off our office at any given opportunity.
Have you faced moments of doubt in your career, and how did you overcome them?
My confidence builds more and more each day but has always been an issue for me. I have definitely suffered from Imposter Syndrome in the past, but it is hard not to when you are surrounded by other very capable and experienced people. When I started at Knight Protection, I was one of two women who worked in the Head Office and, at the age of 23, I was also the youngest member of staff here too. 8 years later, we have a much more diverse office, with 50% of staff now being women, and a much bigger age range. Having a strong team of women to help encourage and support each other is a really good confidence boost. I’m still working on my confidence but I have come a long way since I started at Knight Protection. I have gained confidence by stepping out of my comfort zone as often as I can. I have also been pushed by the company and my manager, which really helps. I’ve attended many courses, most of which I thought I’d feel silly and out of place at, and they have really helped to develop a variety of skills that have helped with my confidence. I have gone from barely saying a word in our internal meetings, to facilitating Senior Leadership Team (SLT) planning days and presenting in many other meetings. I’m very lucky to work within a really supportive team, not only in our SLT but across the whole of our Head Office. I truly believe that my peers want to see me develop and do well, and are very good at encouraging my growth.
What do you think are the main challenges women face in the luxury property industry, and how can they be addressed?
Women often face gender bias and stereotyping, which can affect how their skills and expertise are perceived, which in turn can also affect their confidence. Usually when working within this industry, you work alongside people from different trades, many of whom are men. I find that women usually have to prove that they are knowledgeable, rather than it just be expected and known from the beginning. The positive to this is that those of us who are keen, will prove that we know what we are doing, and will feel much more confident once those around us believe it too.
Who has been your biggest supporter, and how have they empowered you?
My biggest supporter and reason for my growth is our MD, Tim Knight. When I was offered the position at Knight Protection years ago, out of all of the candidates that interviewed, I was the youngest, with the least experience and the least relevant qualifications. I was hired because I was motivated and keen to learn, work hard and progress. Since then, my role within the company has evolved, to support my strengths, and I was recently promoted to Chief of Staff, where I am hoping that my strengths can now support the growth of the business, and the team. I have been able to attend a lot of training courses and have also benefitted from some personal coaching, to help develop skills that needed strengthening. I’m grateful to work in a company that offers the opportunities that I have had to develop, I have been pushed out of my comfort zone many times and have always been supported by the team around me. Outside of work, my biggest supporter is my Mum. My Mum is a successful journalist with a great work ethic, which she has passed onto me and my sister. She is a good example of what can be achieved when you focus and work hard and will happily give me a push in the right direction if she thinks I can do better! She also loves that fact that she has raised two very independent women, with very little help, and likes to shout about us wherever she can.
Reflecting on your journey, what advice would you give to young women starting their careers?
If I had to give someone younger some advice, it would be the same advice I would give to my younger self, which is that it is ok to not know everything. I used to think that if I didn’t know the answers to questions, or I couldn’t keep up with a conversation because the topic wasn’t one I knew a lot about, I would feel as though I had failed. I would also keep quiet, act like I did know what was going on, and would not learn anything from the experience. I think it is a strength to admit when you are out of your depth and to be able to ask questions so that you do learn from the experience. In any situations where I have asked for more information, I have always been glad that I did.
Looking ahead, what are your goals for the future?
I have had a very successful 8 years with Knight Protection and I am hoping to continue to grow, alongside the company. Every year that I have been here has come with new challenges and when they arise, I always worry that I won’t manage to get through them, but am always very proud when I do. I have worked in different departments and different roles in the business and I am keen to continue learning more about our business and our industry to hopefully identify new areas where I can add value. I hope to also be in a position to mentor other young women, and give them the same support that I have received. I love seeing other people develop and I’d like to encourage this across our team as much as possible.
About The LPF Rising Stars Initiative
In the landscape of luxury property, where challenges often intersect with opportunities, The LPF stands as a force for positive change focussing on empowerment and championing the next generation of female leaders. Through initiatives aimed at promoting, supporting, and protecting women in the industry, we are committed to fostering an environment where talent flourishes regardless of gender. The LPF has a mission to send the elevator down for aspiring female leaders and creating pathways to success. We hope to get to a point that every woman entering the luxury property sector is equipped with the opportunities, resources, and support needed to thrive.
By amplifying the voices of the LPF rising stars and providing platforms for mentorship and growth, we hope to pave the way for a more inclusive and equitable future. We invite the entire industry to uphold these values, championing diversity, equity, and inclusion at every turn. In empowering women, we not only enrich our industry but also pave the way for a brighter tomorrow, where every individual has the opportunity to shine.
Get in touch
You may get in touch with Rebecca Thompson or Knight Protection by referring to the details below:
Rebecca Thompson
Connect with Rebecca via LinkedIn or by sending her an email at rebecca.thompson@knightprotection.co.uk
Knight Protection
Trafalgar House
325-327 London Road
Camberley, Surrey
GU15 3HQ
T: +44 (0) 345 658 3430
T: +44 (0) 1276 469 988
M: +44 (0)7880 034 484