‘Tis the season for reflection - What to ask yourself this festive period


Potential Plus International’s Oona Collins, leadership development coach as urged us all to take this time over the festive period to reflect.

There is a common thread to the conversations I am having with clients, peers and strangers at the moment. It is that they feel that they have been on a roller coaster for most of the last two years and have managed the ups and downs by going into survival mode. Now, however, they say they feel ready to take stock and prepare themselves to take 2022 face on. To do that, there are some very important questions we need to be asking ourselves and those around us. 

The period between Christmas and New Year, when many companies close – or at least slowdown – has traditionally been a time of reflection for many people, when big, life-changing decisions have been made and a vision for the year ahead is set. It is also a perfect time to recharge and refocus the mind to help you centre in on any smaller changes you need to make to help you reach existing goals and set new ones.

To an extent, this was missed last year and 2021 has, for many, been about adapting. We have worked hard this year whether that has been to survive, thrive or a bit of both. When reflecting on the year that has gone you need to be thinking about what accomplishments you are proud of and what has been most challenging, focusing in on what these have taught you and what you learned either about yourself or others around you. It is also important to think carefully about when you are at your best and what it takes for you to be there. Has anything changed during the year that opened up opportunities or created challenges? Also, have your priorities in your home or work life changed? Once you have reflected, you can then think about what needs to happen to make 2022 the best year yet.

Questions to ask yourself:

What am I most proud of about this last year?

What have I accomplished? Why was I able to achieve this?

What were my biggest disappointments?

What have I learnt about myself when tackling these challenges?

What changes have happened this year that I am happy about?

What have I neglected this year and what have I missed?

What makes me happy?

What are my priorities for my home life?

What are my goals and priorities for my career or business?

What do I need to be at my best?

What needs to happen to make next year the best year ever and whose help do I need to make that happen?

As well as having a responsibility to ourselves to have a personal ‘check-in’, it is important as leaders to take time at the end of the year, or the start of next year, to reflect as a team on what has been learnt, what has worked and what hasn’t and needs some adjusting. Also to agree about how the team can support each other and what is needed to drive the team to greater successes in 2022.

 We all owe it to ourselves to make sure that the hard work we are doing is allowing us to reach our full potential and as we say goodbye to one year and welcome in the next, there really is no better time to do this.


To find clarity on your vision and aspirations and create a compelling action plan, why not consider our one-to-one Vision Intensive Programme. Undertaken over six weeks, with a full-day retreat and two pre and post coaching sessions, this intensive course condenses our six-month coaching programme into a focused 12 hours of reflection, creativity and action. Designed for business leaders, entrepreneurs and individuals who want to clarify and achieve their ideal future.

For Further information contact:
Oona Collins: oona@potentialplus-int.com / Mob: +44 (0) 7973 244 203

Priya Rawal