Villa Papillon, Antigua – Ward & Co 


The beautiful island of Antigua is best-known for its friendly people, white-sandy beaches and crystal clear waters. It is also the home to LPF Members Ward & Co’s stunning project Villa Papillon. 

Our founder, Priya Rawal sat down with Sarah and Rosie Ward of Ward & Co on how this project came together. 

So, Antigua what a beautiful island! How did you find it there? 

Sarah: It is stunning! It’s not pretentious at all, people are friendly and what’s more it’s a direct flight from London. 

It sounds like such an interesting project. Please could you tell us a little about the design brief? 

Rosie: Our aim was to create an outstanding home that stands out from the rest. 

A Caribbean vibe was essential – which means vibrant, warm tone colours set on a neutral base build palette. It isn’t easy to get much locally on Island, in particular following COVID, but the local natural stone comes in 2 colours so we based the interior tones on the paler option.

Whilst practicality is always front of mind so is drama, elegance, seamless mixing and integration of new and old to create a cocooning and extremely comfortable interior with an aura of calm. The systems needed to be up-to-date but not over-complicated to suit guests and be easy to operate.

The views are so outstanding that it was important to look out to the sea view over a very neutral base.  But then to turn and look in is inviting.

What was the time frame for this project? I understand it’s been a long time in the making. 

Sarah: We acquired the site 2015 and came on site in May 2018.  It has taken much longer owing to COVID and of course being a hill it is such a complicated build which took time to prepare the structural calculations etc.

Well, congratulations on what you have achieved! How would you describe the design of the villa in three words?

Rosie: Contemporary-Caribbean, Eclectic, Inviting 

Are there any local artefacts or furniture pieces that you have acquired on the island or neighbouring Caribbean islands? 

Sarah: Yes there is. The Plantation style louvre shutters and staircase were built on the island and  some furniture from Gazebo, a local shop. We love championing local artists. 

What is your favourite part of the villa and why? 

Sarah : the views are outstanding upon entering the house. But I think the master bedroom is my favourite spot - it is a sanctuary with a panoramic view over the Caribbean Sea and beyond. The different tones of azure blue blend seamlessly with the sea beyond . In some lights, there is a silver dust over the surface of the sea which is simply stunning 

What is Ward & Co’s process in getting the best result for a client?

Rosie: It is important that you always establish a clear brief and the deliverables for the project. It takes plenty of conversations with the client throughout the project and such communication helps manage expectations

What differentiates Ward & Co from other interior design firms?

Sarah: First and foremost, Rosie and my close relationship! It’s almost telepathic! We have the ability to bounce ideas off each other and we are never afraid to voice our design ideas to each other! We are always honest and respectful of one another

 And what is next for Ward & Co

Sarah: We have a really exciting line up of diverse projects both and out of London and also overseas! Just how we like it!

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CALL: +44 (0)20 3667 7796

Ward & Co. Interiors
Michelin House, 81 Fulham Rd,
London SW3 6RD

Priya Rawal